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Victory 2-3-4 Smart Notebooks

2.sınıf MEB müfredatını esas alarak oluşturulmuş olan bu alıştırma kitabı, etkinlik defteri formatında hazırlanmıştır. Her bir ünite için özet konu anlatımları ile öğrencilere konuları daha iyi anlamalarına yardımcı olacak çeşitli etkinlikler sunulmaktadır. Ayrıca, her ünite başında o üniteye ait kelimeler, öğrencilerin kelime dağarcığını geliştirmelerine yardımcı olacak şekilde düzenlenmiştir. Ünite değerlendirme testleri ise, öğrencilerin öğrendiklerini pekiştirmelerine […]

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Victory 7 True Success

VICTORY 7 DICTIONARY  DICTIONARY Digital Resources for Teachers Victory 7 Practice Book / Victory 7 Practice Tests / VICTORY 7 TRUE SUCCESS VOCABULARY BOOK / VICTORY 7 WS / VICTORY 7 NEW ROAD MAP Components Practice Book Dictionary Revision Tests Practice Tests (Kazanım kavrama föyleri) Test Book & Worksheets Vocabulary Book Reading Comprehension Posters Digital […]

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Victory 6 True Success

VICTORY 6 DICTIONARY DICTIONARY Digital Resources for Teachers Victory 6 Practice Book / Victory 6 Practice Tests / VICTORY 6 TRUE SUCCESS VOCABULARY BOOK/ VICTORY 6 WS  Components Practice Book Dictionary Revision Tests Practice Tests (Kazanım kavrama föyleri) Test Book & Worksheets Vocabulary Book Reading Comprehension Posters Digital Resources for Teachers Interactive Whiteboard Software Games […]

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May 4, 2024 – Interactive Learning: Exploring Educational Games and Mindfulness Integration

On Saturday, May 4, 2024, we gathered with our esteemed English teachers in Isparta for our seminar. After examining our digital library, Pickatale, and our product samples, we first delved into the topic of “Engaging Students with Educational Games” with our instructor, Yasemin Islah Oğuzkent. Together, we evaluated the impact of educational games on language […]

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April 27, 2024 – Çınar ELT

We are delighted to announce that Universal ELT was proud to sponsor the recent ELT Conference at Çınar College in 2024. The conference, themed ‘Embrace the Digital Revolution: Shaping Tomorrow Today,’ took place on April 27th, 2024. As advocates for innovation in English Language Teaching (ELT), we were thrilled to participate in an event that […]

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