Alice in Wonderland The story centres on Alice, a young girl who is sitting with her sister, and she is bored. Suddenly, a white rabbit passes by and Alice follows the rabbit down a hole where she finds a bottle with a note saying “Drink me”. Let’s read her interesting adventure and learn what’s going […]
A New Home New Life Universal Readers is a topic-based reading series for young learners of English as a foreign language. This level 3 title is designed for children who are developing their early skills. A Japanese girl, Hina is moving to London with her family. Moving to a new place is not easy. Adapting […]
A DAY ON THE FARM Universal readers is a topic–based reading series for young learners of English as a foreign language. This level 1 title is designed for children who are developing their early skills. Emily and Ethan have a cat, Popski. One day, Popski, the cat is bored. He hasn’t got any friends. He […]
ANIMAL FRIENDS Universal readers is a topic–based reading series for young learners of English as a foreign language. This level 1 title is designed for children who are developing their early skills. Emily and Ethan have a cat, Popski. One day, Popski, the cat is bored. He hasn’t got any friends. He is lonely and […]
A1 Grammar Together- Kapak Grammar Together 1 Grammar Together is a series of four grammar reference and practice books for learners of A1, A2, B1 and B2 levels. To internalise and personalise the grammatical forms, communicative tasks are included. Accuracy in communication is the main goal of this series. Features Unit Start Test is […]
Remark-Space 1-2-3 REMARK Readers are graded readers designed to motivate young learners to improve their language skills and increase their knowledge. REMARK Readers focus on both language development and core content knowledge through a wide variety of stimulating texts and attractive images highlighted key concepts and relevant vocabulary grammar in context activities, puzzles, experiments, […]